The common joke on the Agikuyu people is that we can’t cook. A lie perpetuated so many times- Goebbelian fashion- until it has come to pass of as truth. To the contrary, we have quite a number of finger licking delicacies that are so unique that their names escape English nomenclature. Here are a five of them derived from a slaughtered goat:


1.Thenga Twarie

Literally, ” move away so that we can talk”. This is the omasum of a goat stuffed with blood, tripe, entrails etc. that is boiled first then roasted until its golden brown. The taste is to die for.



The legs of goat that are singed over embers then boiled. Their gummy taste will blow your mind. Guaranteed to give your annual dose of collagen.


This Kikuyu word has joined national lexicon to mean ‘African sausage’. Goat intestines stuffed with blood, boiled then roasted over coals.


Pieces of fatty meat boiled to a crunchy finish then preserved in honey. This is the creme de la creme of our cuisine.

5.Gakuo Kaingĩ

The reticulum of a goat, partially cleaned, boiled, then dried out on hot charcoal.


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